I haven't posted here for quite a while, and I had the biggest of plans when I was. I was hoping to transcribe and post poetry from Charlotte Mason on a more regular schedule (and I just might), but that project has been on hold for a while. Part of the reason was because of a book on a small Irish band called U2. But that's done now, and I was tired of seeing the CM heading that's been at the top of this blog for a couple of years.
In case you were interested in an update, I have been appointed Registrar at my university, and I remain a member of the Faculty (it will be a challenge to balance those two roles). And the book on U2 has been submitted and is ready for publication (as far as I know). It'll be out later in 2019.
That is the end of this update. I will consider what to do with this blog, and whether I should keep it up at all. Thanks for reading anyway!